MCM Charter





    Responsible Purchasing for MCM Merchandising Solutions Group. Designate a set of policies, practices and behaviors in order to establish values in the following areas:

  • Ethics based on honesty and mutual trust between the company and its employees, as well as respect for our customers, suppliers and partners.
  • The spirit of innovation and performance supported by the anticipation, creativity and proactive attitude of everyone at all times. At the company level, the full consideration of the employee can be the source of new hopes: to combine performance and business with respect for nature and human well-being .
  • The enthusiasm generating dynamism and daring, and contributing to our determination to rank ourselves among the best.
  • Competence combining traditional know-how and the requirements of a constantly evolving market. Our goal is to improve individual and collective skills and disseminate knowledge in order to excel in all areas and among all our clients


Fair treatment of Suppliers:
  • We treat our suppliers with honesty, fairness and respect. Our purchasing activities follow high ethical and professional rules, in accordance with our “Code of Business Conduct”
Impartial selections:
  • We select our suppliers impartially according to predefined, explicit and transparent criteria:
  • quality, service, performance, cost, etc., and the environmental and social impact of the products and services offered.
Call for tenders:
  • MCM Merchandising Solutions Group is committed to creating the conditions of transparency necessary for the smooth running of its calls for tenders at each of its stages and to allow perfect accessibility to the necessary information, fairness between competitors.
  • The suppliers are committed to respecting the financial balances of companies with regard to the importance of the investment it represents.
Confidentiality of intellectual property rights:
  • We respect the confidential nature of the technical and commercial information communicated to us by our suppliers. We also respect the intellectual property rights of our suppliers.
Improving the performance of our suppliers:
  • We seek to build long-term relationships with our suppliers in a process of continuous and common improvement. We are committed to helping our suppliers who would like to support us in our approach in order to be able to identify mutual benefits in terms of sustainable development.
Supplier Europe & China:
  • Our desire is to work with environmentally responsible suppliers, responsible in order to promote local economic development
Business ethics:
  • As a priority, MCM Merchandising Solutions Group expects its suppliers to have high levels of personal and professional ethics and that they comply with applicable laws and regulations.
Corruption :
  • Our suppliers are committed to fighting any form of corruption, including extortion, fraud and bribery. Our suppliers refrain from offering MCM Merchandising Solutions Group employees any advantage which would aim to facilitate their activities with our company.
Anti-competitive practices:
  • Our suppliers take preventive measures to avoid any anti-competitive practice or behavior.
Confidentiality and intellectual property rights:
  • Our suppliers respect the confidentiality of the information received which is the property of MCM Merchandising Solutions Group, and never use this information for their own benefit. The information transmitted in the course of business must be exact and fair, and must not be misleading. Our suppliers take measures to guarantee the respect of intellectual property rights.
Transparency & Accountability:
  • Our suppliers are committed to working in transparency and to being accountable for orders placed with them by MCM Merchandising Solutions Group


    Our suppliers comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations. They keep and update environmental approvals and in particular with regard to regulations: REACH Please refer to the link for information on substances subject to authorization.  

   Our suppliers adopt the precautionary principle in approaching environmental problems, they quickly detect, identify and assess the potential risks they could incur in their activities and take the most appropriate measures to mitigate or eliminate them when possible. suppliers optimize their waste production. they do everything possible to reduce the volume of their waste by sorting, recycling and reusing materials.

Take into account working conditions
Anticipating the end of life
Minimize energy consumption at point of sale

Optimizing the logistics of our supplies

Favor recycled materials
Favor recyclable materials
Adopt the material for the life of our POS
Optimizing the logistics of our customers
Optimizing our packaging

All MCM Merchandising Solutions Group teams are trained in the issues and techniques in the development of PLV materials in order to optimize their environmental footprint. The choice of materials, the thickness of materials, the assembly of elements, the optimization of packaging and palletization are at the heart of our practices. The information relating to the design of the parts to be manufactured is recorded in technical plans which are used to formally respect the follow-up of these plans and to notify us of any possible changes. The optimization of the packaging (Arbitration between protection of the part and size of the packaging) must be the subject of a BAT subject to the approval of the Design Offices. Optimization of palletization must be taken into account according to customer constraints.


    Our Suppliers promote and respect the declaration of the International Labor Organization (O.I.T) on fundamental principles and rights at work as well as international human rights law. In this context, our suppliers put everything in place by ensuring compliance with the following principles:

  • Abolition of child labor under the age of 15
  • Elimination of forced and compulsory labor
  • Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
  • Elimination of discrimination and fair treatment in the workplace
  • Compliance with all applicable laws regarding wages, benefits and working hours
  • Protection of health and safety at work. The activities must not harm the health of their employees.

    In terms of work and human rights, our Suppliers strive to maintain a working environment where all of the supplier’s employees benefit from training and development opportunities, and recognition for their contribution in the context constructive dialogue with their employer.

Conflict of interest :

    Our suppliers must disclose any situation that may appear to present a conflict of interest, and bring to our attention cases where an employee of MCM Merchandising Solutions Group may have any interest in their activities or personal economic connection with them.

Evaluation :

    For all of the rules set out, our suppliers must put in place mechanisms guaranteeing their respect within their company. We may carry out visits to ensure compliance with the rules set out in our Responsible Purchasing Charter. They can take the form of documentary requests, but also evaluations carried out by MCM Merchandising Solutions Group.

    For all of the rules set out, our suppliers must put in place mechanisms guaranteeing their respect within their company. We may carry out visits to ensure compliance with the rules set out in our Responsible Purchasing Charter. They can take the form of documentary requests, but also evaluations carried out by MCM Merchandising Solutions Group.